Task 3: Gather and Organize Necessary Resources
Essence of the Task
To gather and organize the necessary resources in order to develop the series in the best possible way. (Obviously, this also responds to the time available and the «academic depth» one wishes to achieve).
Detailed Description
Years ago, I heard someone say that one minute of planning saved three in execution. This advance preparation assignment builds on that advice, and in particular, encourages us to get organized.
For this task, we won’t be studying anything, per se. Instead, we will be preparing ourselves so that we can study more efficiently and effectively every day throughout the series.
Take a look at your bookshelves (both physical and digital). Do you have what you need to prepare for this series in the best possible way? It is true that ultimately one needs nothing more than the Bible itself. However, strengthening and contrasting our conclusions with those of trusted scholars is wise. Moreover, going to the classroom or pulpit knowing that the conclusions you will be sharing are supported by others brings added assurance and confidence.
So, the question of the moment is the following: What resources do you have? Do you have a good Bible dictionary or encyclopedia? Do you have some responsible commentaries on the biblical book you plan to study?
And don’t forget about articles in magazines or on websites that may be helpful. While they may not be as trustworthy as certain printed books, that is not always the case. Some of these materials can be very good and helpful – especially if you have no other options.
To Do
For this task, you are going to gather what you have and «go shopping» for what you don’t have. You will also be taking note of which resources you will be using for the different stages of your preparation. Set the clock and see if you can complete the following three small assignments in 30 minutes or less.
- Make a list of the resources you already have that you can use in preparation for this series. Think of both «introductory» resources to the Bible book in question and those that will help you verse by verse.
- Make a list of resources that you may need to acquire to prepare this series well. Can you buy some of these now? Can you borrow some from a friend or colleague? Can you find some on the internet (as long as it does not involve piracy)?
- Compile a list of all the articles, chapters, or books you will read as you begin your preparation for this series. This will serve as the bibliography for what you will do in Advance Preparation, Task 4: «Research and summarize introductory information.» It will also serve as the basis for each week’s work throughout the series.
To Keep in Mind
By the way, how can you know if a resource is «good» or not? On the back cover of every book, every publisher argues that their book is the one you can’t afford to miss and gives you a list of reviews from well-known people to back up that opinion. But is that really the case, or is it an illustration of the reality that Christian publishers also make a living by marketing? Conversely, while the user ratings and reviews on sites like Amazon, CBD, or Logos may offer some help, they are often inordinately skewed by the popularity factor (justified or not).
Thankfully, in the English-speaking world, we have had the good fortune of an increasing number of appraisal books written by scholars who really know what they are talking about. To offer two examples of this kind of work, we can mention the two volumes published jointly by Baker Academic and Inter-Varsity Press that evaluate available commentaries on the Old Testament and New Testament (Old Testament Commentary Survey, Tremper Longman III and New Testament Commentary Survey, D.A. Carson). In addition, there are now sites on the Internet that compile information from various reputable sources and offer a sort of mega-appraisal. Perhaps the best of these is www.bestcommentaries.com. For several years now, I have been using and recommending this website to anyone who is fluent in English.