Saturday-Manuscript: Introduction
Fill in the outline with introduction, conclusion, complete paragraphs and illustrations.
Goal (mile-marker 6):
To have finalized the outline or complete manuscript that you plan to use when you preach.
We have reached the home stretch. In Friday’s work we completed the structure of our outline. All that remains now is to fill in some important gaps. There are two ways to do this:
- The first way is the simplest: fill in the outline. For those who have less time or are comfortable preaching somewhat extemporaneously, this is the way to go.
- The second way requires more time: writing a manuscript. For those who have the time or wish to achieve a higher degree of precision, this will be the option of choice.
Both options have their advantages. The issue to determine is which of these options best suits the time you have available, your personality and skills, and the expectations of your listeners. You should also consider whether there could be other occasions in the future when you might preach this sermon elsewhere. In such cases, having an unabridged manuscript can be of value, since it does not force you to have to go back over your background study as much to “fill in” on the fly any content that you did not include in the outline.
Saturday’s Tasks
Saturday’s tasks are relatively straightforward and logical. They may take some time, of course, but they are not complicated to understand or carry out.
- Task 0. Continue your panoramic reading of the book.
- Task 1. Write the introduction.
- Task 2. Write the conclusion.
- Task 3. Fill in all the sections of the outline with the full text.
- Task 4. Complete the transitions and illustrations at the appropriate points.
- Task 5. Revise and refine the manuscript at all levels.
The final article is a brief conclusion along with some additional ideas for the brave.
If you are already familiar with the process, download a Quick Start Summary Guide for Saturday-Manuscript here.